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This is a Flickr badge showing items in a set called Puppets. Make your own badge here.


About Me

Welcome! You've arrived at my new Web site -- what do you think? This site was created in my Web 101 class at Sessions, an online school of design.

For the past 25 years I have worked in graphic design and print production. I am now studying web design. This will build on my creative skills. I hope to find new career opportunities later this year once I finish the course. I have added and will be including projects from my other Sessions classes to this site, including some links to my favorite sites on the Web!.

Got feedback? Drop me a line at E-Mail



About This Site

I have made quite a few changes to my site. I have changed the name of my site and the title of it also. You will see a photo of me with the puppet King from my most recent play. Changes were made to the colours of the text and background. In the links section, you will find links to some of my Web 2.0 sites. Please visit and leave me a message or comment. I have also added a favorite video of mine to the video section. In the images section I have included some photos from the Play "The Royal Pain, 2009". And in the sidebar I have placed 2 badges linking you to more fun and info on your friend Andrew.